Features of the Detox Food Plan

Reduces food triggers: The Detox Food Plan reduces exposure to trigger foods that may be connected to health concerns. Many people with food sensitivities don’t realize how bad they feel, or that particular foods are the culprit, until the foods that trigger a reaction are removed from the diet. Food reactions are frequently overlooked as a contributor to chronic health issues. Some reactions are considered to be food allergies, meaning they cause severe symptoms immediately after a trigger food is eaten. Some reactions may be delayed by hours or even days; this type of adverse food reaction is referred to as a food sensitivity. Food sensitivities are usually the result of an imbalance in the gastrointestinal system that affects the immune system. Food intolerances are reactions to certain food chemicals (e.g., lactose, MSG, histamines, etc.) that occur when a person is lacking an enzyme or nutrient, resulting in an inability to properly metabolize certain foods. Removing the specific foods that cause adverse food reactions will allow the gut to heal, while simultaneously supporting detoxification pathways. Common food triggers are minimized or eliminated on the Detox Food Plan, while nutrient-dense foods are included to support detoxification and gut health.
After completion of an initial removal phase, a practitioner may suggest a personalized food reintroduction process for some patients. The goal is to expand the variety of healthy foods available to an individual for daily intake, not to maintain a long-term restrictive diet. Reintroduction involves adding back one food at a time and observing whether that food is associated with symptoms. Foods that continue to provoke symptoms (physical, mental, and emotional) are avoided until they no longer cause symptoms. Once the gut is healed, many foods that initially caused sensitivities may be reintroduced into a meal plan without symptoms. In the later stage of food reintroduction, the goal is to diversify the diet for optimal gut health. Eating the same handful of foods day after day does not provide the body with an array of phytonutrients, which is important for overall health and is especially important for those who have gut permeability issues.
Supports liver function. Protein is a key nutrient that enables the liver to effectively process toxins within the body. Specific amino acids (building blocks of protein) are required for certain types of toxin clearance. Therefore, this food plan suggests high-quality protein as an essential cornerstone to ensure that detoxification processes are efficient and effective.

Limiting exposure to canned foods,plastic bottles/containers of water and high-acid foods due to the presence of toxins like bisphenol-A and other plasticizers that have been shown to disrupt the endocrine gland function.
Tips for minimizing intake of harmful substances include:
Choosing lean meats over fatty animal foods, as pesticides concentrate in fat
Buying organically-grown animal products (e.g., meats and dairy)
Peeling off the skin or remove the outer layer of leaves of some produce (e.g., lettuce, cabbage)
Removing surface pesticide residues, waxes, fungicides, and fertilizers by soaking the food in a mild solution of additive-free soap (pure castile soap or biodegradable cleanser)
Cutting away any damaged or bruised areas before preparing or eating food
Washing produce before peeling it so dirt and contaminants aren’t transferred from the knife onto the fruit or vegetable
Consulting the current versions of the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” (foods that are high in pesticide residues) and “Clean 15” (foods that are typically low in pesticide residues) lists
Avoiding foods that contain preservatives such as BHT, BHA, benzoate, and sulfites; food colorings such as FD&C yellow #5, #6, etc.; or artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame
Limiting exposure to canned foods (e.g., meat, fish) and plastic bottles/containers of water and high-acid foods due to the presence of toxins like bisphenol-A and other plasticizers that have been shown to disrupt the endocrine gland function n Cooking with non-toxic pans, skillets, and pots that aren’t worn or scuffed so as to minimize any release of problematic compounds while cooking
Ensuring that drinking and cooking water is filtered